- Rufous-brown Solitaire (Guianan)
 - Rufous-brown Solitaire (Guianan)
 - Rufous-brown Solitaire (Rufous-brown)
 - Rufous-brown Solitaire (Chestnut-throated)

Rufous-brown Solitaire Cichlopsis leucogenys Scientific name definitions

Nigel Collar, Josep del Hoyo, Guy M. Kirwan, and Harold F. Greeney
Version: 2.0 — Published January 26, 2024
Revision Notes

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Rufous-brown Solitaire is a poorly known thrush that inhabits primary forests or those in advanced states of regeneration. Four subspecies are currently recognized, and evidence from plumage and some vocal variation combined with their highly disjunct ranges suggests that more than one species might be involved. Overall, this is a rather bland, featureless, brown bird, relieved by a pale yellow eye-ring and varying amounts of rufous on the throat. Unlike some solitaires, which sing almost all day, this species seems to mainly vocalize early in the morning and is strongly seasonal in this respect. At other times, the Rufous-brown Solitaire is generally quiet and easily overlooked as it forages in the undergrowth for fruit and insects. Populations are found in southeast Venezuela and the northern Guianas, the Atlantic Forest of eastern Brazil, east-central Peru, and southwest Colombia to northwest Ecuador, but the Rufous-brown Solitaire seems rarely to be anything other than locally fairly common, and is usually rare in most areas of its range. It has been listed as Near Threatened in the past, and the nominate subspecies that is endemic to Brazil’s Atlantic Forest is, on its own, evaluated as Endangered. Very little is known of this species’ ecology and natural history.

Distribution of the Rufous-brown Solitaire - Range Map
  • Year-round
  • Migration
  • Breeding
  • Non-Breeding
Distribution of the Rufous-brown Solitaire

Recommended Citation

Collar, N., J. del Hoyo, G. M. Kirwan, and H. F. Greeney (2024). Rufous-brown Solitaire (Cichlopsis leucogenys), version 2.0. In Birds of the World (N. C. García, Editor). Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, NY, USA. https://doi.org/10.2173/bow.rubsol1.02
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